Amrit Mahotsav Snaps
Amrit Mahotsav Clips
A message from the President Dr. Virambhai Godhaniya
On the occasion of our 70th year of Independance of our beloved country I am delighted and proud to congratulate the entire staff and students of our institution.On this day we salute the Nation and all those heroes and martyrs who have sacrificed for our freedom.Freedom comes with lots of responsibilities and commitments and dicipline.India has been a model of strong and vibrant democracy in the midst of challenging diversity. At the moment we are fighting a battle of different form, that is to alleviate poverty,illiteracy,diseases unemployment inequality.We are a fastest growing economy in the world but we need to become a strong Edducational power to sustain this growth. This could only happen on the foundation of a strong innovative educational system. As we commemorate our 70th Independance day let us all pledge our loyalty and commitments to the progress and prosperity of our Nation.Let us each of us where ever we are,serve with honesty, deligently and with dedication for the prosperity and progress of our country. Once again let me wish our Institute's continued success and wish you all a very happy and joyful Independance Day.May this special day be filled with patriotic spirit in all of us and prove ourselves worthy of the hard earn FREEDOM. With warm Greetings. Dr.Viram Godhania
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